Life Changers
When Life’s About Change™ was created, we envisioned a community where people could go and share stories of change, inspiring, comforting, and supporting one another. It’s always easier to face change when you see someone who’s gone through it already and is smiling today. We call them “Life Changers,” quiet heroes who let us know that no matter what everything is going to be ok. Hope is what propels us all in the same inevitable direction…forward.

Lisa Marie
Meet Lisa Marie, a mom turned comedian on a journey to embrace change.

Meet Vin, a former NBA player who changed his life with sobriety.

Meet Martha, a chef and baker who found a second chance after homelessness.
Meet Alice, a librarian turned author (This Train is Bound for Glory) on a journey to embrace change.
Meet Cherie, mental health clinician, pioneer of the reciprocal peer support model and founder of the nonprofit, Volunpeer.
Meet Jesi who turned her trauma into motivation, becoming an adaptive CrossFit instructor and launching an app of accessible workouts after she was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident.
Meet Ann, a beacon of hope to those suffering from mental and physical health issues.
Meet Joy, a stage 4 cancer survivor-turned-podcast host, inspiring women to live life to the fullest.
Meet Teresa, founder of Joey’s Hope, a nonprofit organization which helps feed and shelter children in need.
After the loss of her son, Lynn has become an advocate for mental health and suicide prevention. As a marathoner, she is putting one foot in front of the other on her journey to find the sliver of light at the end of the tunnel.
When life doesn't go as planned, we have the power to decide how we will respond to it. Merlyna doesn't allow tragedy to define her story. As a quadruple amputee, she is an inspiration to us all!
Sofia is among the many who reevaluated her career during the pandemic. She left a successful career at the top of her game to opt for something new, a job she could pursue from home and be present for her kids.
Lisa & Joseph
Lisa was dying of kidney failure when her husband, Joseph, gave her the gift of life. They are now the picture of health and happiness
Diagnosed during the pandemic, Renee endured her treatment without the benefit of hospital visitors. A priest even anointed her in the parking lot of a nearby Wendy’s! She’s back to running after her dogs!
John is a liver transplant thriver. He quit drinking, got a second chance at life and now helps others improve theirs.
After a double knee replacement and a divorce, Maria is rediscovering joy.
After the loss of her son, Lynn has become an advocate for mental health and suicide prevention. As a marathoner, she is putting one foot in front of the other on her journey to find the sliver of light at the end of the tunnel.
Rhonda discusses her path to self-discovery, purpose, and love after unexpected widowhood.
Catherine went from investigating death to saving lives and in the process, dealt with cancer, Covid and divorce...but she's now happier than ever.
Meet Barb! She not only changed her life, but countless others when she started a non-profit for seniors in her rural community.
Become a Featured Life Changer
If you or someone you know has been through a life changing experience — it doesn’t have to be sad, even good changes have their challenges— and you'd like to share your journey, offer encouragement, and be featured as a Life's About Change™ Life Changer, please send a short email to
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